Thread: Yard freaks
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      02-25-2019, 09:51 AM   #34
Monkey Marshall
Yapakanichi's Avatar

Drives: 2005 Z4 3.0i
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: FL

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Well here in FL the weather is warming up again and I added my first application of weed and feed. Specifically for Bermuda grass. I'm hoping that the weed and feed can possibly kill off the St. Augustine. It said to not apply it to St. Aug yards. Here's to hoping.

Also releveled the front of my next to the driveway. Got tired of scalping the yard due to the PO not properly taking care of the yard. Got a bad spot in your yard? Just throw sod at it till it's a big ol lump in the yard.

How does one go about leveling the yard?
Appreciate 1