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      04-13-2019, 12:14 PM   #9
Darth One
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Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
At a gas price of $3.00/gal, any EV needs to be at or below $35,000 to make a payback case. There are numerous fuel-efficient petrol-powered cars for $15,000 less that are just as good or better than the Model 3 for most of the western hemisphere's private transportation needs. $15,000 of gasoline at $3.00/gal. yields about 150,000 miles of driving at 30 MPG.

That's why the Chevy Bolt was also price-targeted at $35,000 (including the $7,500 tax rebate).
Performance and content tho. This thing runs with GT2 RS’s and has stuff like autopilot and self parking at around $65k
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