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      01-17-2023, 06:03 PM   #23
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So much for this being a Grand Sport replacement with that pricing. Ouch.
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      01-17-2023, 06:13 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by M3WC View Post
So much for this being a Grand Sport replacement with that pricing. Ouch.
I'm actually surprised it is $7K cheaper than the Z06....and comes standard with CCB's

and apparently quicker 0-60 2.5 compared to 2.6 also and AWD handling.

Will be interesting to see how it does head to head on a track.

They can still make a Grand Sport version based off the z51 for $30K less and they probably will...
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      01-17-2023, 06:27 PM   #25
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And people made fun of GM lol. Everyone downsizing engines, dodge doing an EV challenger with a fake fucking exhaust sound.

Meanwhile GM gave us an american ferrari and an american, but better, and cheaper, and faster, version of the NSX.

I fucking love GM right now!
2035 on the move!!! lmaooooooooo
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      01-17-2023, 06:59 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by SoCal_NSX View Post
They can still make a Grand Sport version based off the z51 for $30K less and they probably will...
They need it. Z06 body/aero, ccb option, with LT2.

Literally would have zero interest for Eray over Z06 at that pricing. 0-60 does nothing for me, just order up a Plaid if that was the case.
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      01-17-2023, 07:46 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by M3WC View Post
They need it. Z06 body/aero, ccb option, with LT2..
lol they just did's called the E-Ray.

Anything thinking there will be another model the same way standard for $30k less is dreaming.

Just wait for the market correction and/or crash. Vettes will be back to needing to be discounted to be sold
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      01-17-2023, 07:48 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SoCal_NSX View Post
Sorry that you English comprehension isn't very good....

You come on here crying about the C8 E-Ray being too expensive for you

Others point out that it is pretty much a bargain at its price point.

I asked you to find another car doing 0-60 in 2.5 seconds for that price and you come back with this?

Look, you made your bed. Lie in it.

Crying? Didn't know my opinion, shared by others btw, hurt your feelings.

You asked me to find another car LOL. I don't care enough to look. It's not the end of the world for me like it is for you, BRO.

I'm buying a Z. 2.6 vs 2.5. Who gives a crap?!
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      01-17-2023, 08:26 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by BGM-M3COMP View Post
And people made fun of GM lol. Everyone downsizing engines, dodge doing an EV challenger with a fake fucking exhaust sound.

Meanwhile GM gave us an american ferrari and an american, but better, and cheaper, and faster, version of the NSX.

I fucking love GM right now!
Yes, Im not understanding the hate. The rumors have been that the 992.2 is going to also be a mild hybrid, and Chevrolet beat them to the punch, at least in the marketing department. And to get a 650hp equivalent, you’d need to pony up over $250k not including markup for a Turbo S. I am getting myself either a Turbo, Z06 or ERay for my 60th birthday, just depends on which allocation shows up first. Basically, you’re getting a street version of KERS, I mean you’re complaining? Im now actually leaning toward ERay.
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      01-17-2023, 08:32 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Donatello. View Post
lol they just did's called the E-Ray.

Anything thinking there will be another model the same way standard for $30k less is dreaming.

Just wait for the market correction and/or crash. Vettes will be back to needing to be discounted to be sold
In today's world, no one needs something like a grand sport. The base stingray is enough to fulfill "average buyers" needs in a way the grand sport has done in the past. People forget the grand sport of the past was literally a widebody base model, with bigger brakes and tires.

An ERAY will draw a bigger audience than people think. Idk why people think that it being a hybrid will deter buyers. It will actually attract more buyers than a z06. Some people don't have a care in the world about their corvette sounding like a ferrari. No one cares at all the z06 can probably run a 7 minute at the nurburgring. People do care that the z06 has the same torque number as the stingray.

An ERAY will probably demolish the z06 in real world driving. Stop light to stop light or playing cat and mouse (if that's your thing and since we're on a BMW forum, cat and mouse is definitely a thing with BMW drivers).

Hybridization is the way to go before they move to EV. And the ZR1 didn't even come out yet lol. That will be bonkers. Or the ZORA and ZR1 might be the same car. The final variant of the C8 lineup that will crush everything in sight.

That said i already cancelled my stingray order. I moved my deposit to the ERAY. Still getting the z06 too. Hopefully in 2023 if there's no more fucking constraints.

No sense in getting a stingray at all unless you go for a 1LT. If you start optioning the car, you're wasting your money, get the ERAY instead.
2035 on the move!!! lmaooooooooo
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      01-17-2023, 08:34 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by c1pher View Post
Yes, Im not understanding the hate. The rumors have been that the 992.2 is going to also be a mild hybrid, and Chevrolet beat them to the punch, at least in the marketing department. And to get a 650hp equivalent, you’d need to pony up over $250k not including markup for a Turbo S. I am getting myself either a Turbo, Z06 or ERay for my 60th birthday, just depends on which allocation shows up first. Basically, you’re getting a street version of KERS, I mean you’re complaining? Im now actually leaning toward ERay.
I debated on keeping my C7Z and putting it next to my C8Z when i get it.

But after watching what the ERAY is all about, i just cancelled my stingray order and moved the deposit to the ERAY. There's already a fucking long queue idk how. I didn't even know the dealer had a list going. But i think i'll get it in 2024. I'm still getting the C8Z, this year i hope.

The ERAY will be one potent ass street car. Idk about turbo s fast but maybe close!
2035 on the move!!! lmaooooooooo
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      01-17-2023, 08:38 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by BGM-M3COMP View Post
I debated on keeping my C7Z and putting it next to my C8Z when i get it.

But after watching what the ERAY is all about, i just cancelled my stingray order and moved the deposit to the ERAY. There's already a fucking long queue idk how. I didn't even know the dealer had a list going. But i think i'll get it in 2024. I'm still getting the C8Z, this year i hope.

The ERAY will be one potent ass street car. Idk about turbo s fast but maybe close!
I am staying on both lists. I was told I’ll get the ERay before I’d get the Z06. So I figure, get it, if I don’t like it, I still have the Z06 coming, but I think the ERay has a lot of what I’m looking for on a higher end car. The power, AWD, comfort features and toys, as well as being capable. While I love the purity of my 718 GTS, at some point, you realize having any more power is almost useless without all four wheels working. Which is why my Targa 4S is a great GT in that regard. The targa cost $167k and I was able to get it as msrp. Getting either a Z06 or ERay around $135k nicely optioned is a coup.
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      01-17-2023, 08:42 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Mr Fix It View Post
Not only is it expensive to purchase, it is very expensive to maintain.
I am an old timer....have had a couple of vettes and one of the reasons vettes became hugely popular was that it became a grassroots car. One that most people with a few tools and mechanical aptitude could do all the services and modifications themselves or with the help of a small shop. You didn't have to be rich to own one and enjoy it. The C8 changed all of that. Now a hybrid vette? Yep fast when new but what about after 7-8 years old? It is sad but I do believe corvette is going in the wrong direction. It is not all about power. Heck, reduce the weight of a c6 Zo6 by 700lbs and man what a car it would be. Naturally aspirated over 500 rwhp easy to obtain and easy to work on! Plus 26 mpg on the highway. Yes and weight reduction can be done.
We’re in a BMW forum complaining about not being able to work on your car?
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      01-17-2023, 08:46 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dgoldenz View Post
Standard CCB seems so weird for a car like this when it’s not standard on z06. Why not just reduce the price to $95k and make them optional? The $40k price delta over a regular C8 seems kind of nuts for an extra electric motor, CCB, and mag ride.
That said it’s to somewhat offset the added weight of the electric parts.
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      01-17-2023, 08:51 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Donatello. View Post
Yep, they no longer care about the car's CORE CUSTOMER BASE for generations.

Facts are facts. Deny all you want
There are plenty of rumors that Corvette will become its own brand. I think they explored the Cadillac route but is viewed as too geriatric. Having a broader range of Corvette offerings, a potential SUV….you have the makings of a bespoke brand. Also allows them to break out of the GM cookie cutter mold like Porsche when is was under VAG.
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      01-17-2023, 08:56 PM   #36
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Did someone complain that 2.9s 0-60 is not that great, is this the world we live in now? LMAO.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      01-17-2023, 08:59 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by M3WC View Post
So much for this being a Grand Sport replacement with that pricing. Ouch.
I think it’s a great GS alternative. However, you’re getting a lot more than just a Z06 body, tires and brakes. You’re also getting more power, additional power plant, AWD, plus CCBs included which are $8500 on their own. I mean a base C8 is now $65k. Adding $8500 for the brakes makes it $74k…..another $10-15k for the Z06 body. Now you’re at $85-95k. Another $10k gets you a hybrid platform and other goodies like HUD and mag ride. Sounds exactly correctly priced.
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      01-17-2023, 09:04 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by BGM-M3COMP View Post
In today's world, no one needs something like a grand sport. The base stingray is enough to fulfill "average buyers" needs in a way the grand sport has done in the past. People forget the grand sport of the past was literally a widebody base model, with bigger brakes and tires.

An ERAY will draw a bigger audience than people think. Idk why people think that it being a hybrid will deter buyers. It will actually attract more buyers than a z06. Some people don't have a care in the world about their corvette sounding like a ferrari. No one cares at all the z06 can probably run a 7 minute at the nurburgring. People do care that the z06 has the same torque number as the stingray.

An ERAY will probably demolish the z06 in real world driving. Stop light to stop light or playing cat and mouse (if that's your thing and since we're on a BMW forum, cat and mouse is definitely a thing with BMW drivers).

Hybridization is the way to go before they move to EV. And the ZR1 didn't even come out yet lol. That will be bonkers. Or the ZORA and ZR1 might be the same car. The final variant of the C8 lineup that will crush everything in sight.

That said i already cancelled my stingray order. I moved my deposit to the ERAY. Still getting the z06 too. Hopefully in 2023 if there's no more fucking constraints.

No sense in getting a stingray at all unless you go for a 1LT. If you start optioning the car, you're wasting your money, get the ERAY instead.
All I said was huge miss with not calling the E-Ray GS. Not that we need 75 models

GM can keep the base car & the E-Ray. I probably won't keep my Z either
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      01-17-2023, 09:06 PM   #39
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Price is in line.

Unimaginative and no technical prowess in the front electric drive unit, not surprising for an American car.
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      01-17-2023, 09:07 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by tranquility View Post
Did someone complain that 2.9s 0-60 is not that great, is this the world we live in now? LMAO.
Anything under 4 seconds is incredible. If you’ve never done a sub 3 second 0-60, it’s almost poop your pants scary. I’ve done it in a couple Porsches and the first couple tries, I wasn’t successful because I was jerked back so hard my foot came off the accelerator. I had to do two things: mentally prepare to keep my foot down and hold my head against the headrest.

Also you get those weird stomach pangs.
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      01-17-2023, 09:09 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Donatello. View Post
All I said was huge miss with not calling the E-Ray GS. Not that we need 75 models

GM can keep the base car & the E-Ray. I probably won't keep my Z either
I wasn't disagreeing with you, just added my piece to go along with what you're saying.

E-RAY is a perfect name. First hybrid corvette, why miss the opportunity to call it that?

Plus grand sport sounds "old" in todays world. Imagine some rich youtuber saying, "yeah going to go pick up my grand sport!"

ERAY is much more appealing.
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      01-17-2023, 09:10 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Donatello. View Post
All I said was huge miss with not calling the E-Ray GS. Not that we need 75 models

GM can keep the base car & the E-Ray. I probably won't keep my Z either
Porsche seems to do really well with 9 different (I think that’s how many) 911 versions.
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      01-17-2023, 09:29 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by c1pher View Post
I am staying on both lists. I was told I’ll get the ERay before I’d get the Z06. So I figure, get it, if I don’t like it, I still have the Z06 coming, but I think the ERay has a lot of what I’m looking for on a higher end car. The power, AWD, comfort features and toys, as well as being capable. While I love the purity of my 718 GTS, at some point, you realize having any more power is almost useless without all four wheels working. Which is why my Targa 4S is a great GT in that regard. The targa cost $167k and I was able to get it as msrp. Getting either a Z06 or ERay around $135k nicely optioned is a coup.
It's smart to be on both lists.

It's hard to argue what an ERAY will bring to the table. People complained about the stingray's lack of punch up top. That is solved with 160hp more. It's going to be a beast of a driver. No it won't set lap records or sound as good as the LT6 (then again not many people care about that sound) but for what average buyers will use this car for, it will absolutely put a smile on anyone's face.

I really wanted to have 2 corvettes, my C7Z and my C8Z in the long run. The stingray was going to be temporary until the C8Z arrived or maybe 1-2 years then sell.

But with this ERAY, the stingray is far less appealing now. I rather just have an ERAY and a C8Z. Daily the ERAY, weekend duties for the C8Z.

But i know me. I'll always find another daily. Because sometimes you need a daily, for your daily, for your other other daily
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      01-17-2023, 09:48 PM   #44
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I just read that ERay won’t have a gas guzzler tax like the Z06 does. So that’s another $2600 you can save with ERay. So should be less expensive to fill up too, not that you care so much when paying over $100k.
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